Main Forum 8 topics

This is the main forum section. It serves as a container for categories for your topics.
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Welcome Mat 3 topics

We encourage new members to introduce themselves here. Get to know one another and share your interests.

Re: Music and Jung
by Charles Lester
5 months 13 hours ago

Suggestion Box 4 topics

Have some feedback and input to share?
Don't be shy and drop us a note. We want to hear from you and strive to make our site better and more user friendly for our guests and members a like.

Future of Jung Centre
by Charles Lester
6 days 17 hours ago

Renaissance 3 topics

A place to discuss the thinkers and writers that form the basis of understanding Jung. To understand Jung requires a renaissance in our own learning and view of the world.
Here is the reading of Part V - The Renaissance to be found,
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Readings 3 topics

Books aboout the Renaissance and books written as part of the Renaissance -
the reading of Durant's book on the Renaissance is located here.

Philip II of Spain
by Charles Lester
1 year 10 months ago

The Black Books 43 topics

Discussion of the published edition of Jung's Black books
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Book One 25 topics

This is a biography of the notebooks and Jungs life while he was writing the notebooks.

Book Two 11 topics

Notes from November 12 - December 29, 1913

Book Three 7 topics

A reading of the 3rd Black Book

Re: 10.I.14
by Charles Lester
9 months 2 weeks ago

Book Four No topics

Discussion of book 4 of the Black Books

No topics

Red Book 1 topic

What do we need to know about the book that would help read it -?
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What do we need to know about the book that would help read it -?
Called Liber Novus in the Red Book - written by Sonu Shamdasani

Liber Primus No topics

The first book - with 11 chapters.

No topics

Liber Secundus No topics

The second book in the Red Book with 21 chapters

No topics

San Antonio Museum of Art 5 topics

A place to discuss the art and history found at SAMA

This will also be our starting point for learning about the myths of Latin America, China, India, Japan and the modern world.
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The world before the common era as found at SAMA

The Durant books
by Charles Lester
3 years 2 weeks ago

Changes in Exhibits
by Charles Lester
3 years 2 weeks ago

Ceramics 1 topic

Topics are the various types of ceramics found in the museum; from China, Japan, England, America.

Fairy Tales 1 topic

A discussion of select books about fairy tails and particular fairy tales
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Discussion of essays found in each of the three volumes of this series. A topic for each volume.

Volume One
by Charles Lester
2 years 5 months ago

ML Von Franz No topics

Discussion of "Interpretation of Fairy Tales"

No topics

Eric Neumann No topics

A place for discussion of "Amor and Psyche" and the psychic development of the feminine

No topics

The McNay Art Museum No topics

A Place to discuss the art to be viewed at the McNay
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McNay House No topics

A place to discuss art presented in the McNay house.

No topics

Stieren Center No topics

A place to discuss the exhibitions and activities at the Stieren Center

No topics

Answer to Job No topics

A place to review "Answer to Job" both what Jung is saying and what it means to the current world situation
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A place to discuss how "Answer to Job" relates to other writings by Jung and how it is organized and what, in general, is the flow of the argument in the book.

No topics
A discussion of the first 2 sections of the book

No topics

Section III No topics

No topics

Section IV No topics

The role of Mary

No topics
A discussion of the sons of God and God becoming human

No topics
What is the reason for the Incarnation as an historical event?

No topics

Flying Saucers - Modern Myth No topics

A discussion of the book "Flying Saucers - A Modern Myth of Things Seem in the Skies. Selections from Volumes 10 and 18 of the Bollingen Series
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Introductory No topics

The material before the first chapter.

No topics

UFOS as Rumors No topics

Connecting the UFO to the unconscious and archetype

No topics

UFOS as Dreams No topics

An analysis of dreams about UFOS

No topics

The Thinkers 6 topics

Here is where the books of thought by others who can give insight into our understanding of the cultural mythologies of the world. Freud as an example. Kant and the school of German idealists.
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Freud 5 topics

Here are the works of Freud that created a new understanding of the world.
We begin with his interpretation of dreams.

Hilliman 1 topic

Topics will be established based upon books by James Hillman

by Charles Lester
2 years 7 months ago

Summer Reading 5 topics

Books read in a Summer quarter will have their starting point here. Depending on the book the postings will be here or at another ideentified location in the forum.
{Example: the reading of "The Interpretation of Dreams" is to be found in the Thinkers Forum}
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CG Jung Dreams 3 topics

DIscussion of the texts in the book entitled C.G. Jung Dreams.the book has four parts with six essays. Dreams and Psychoanalysis, Dreams and Psychic Energy, The Practical Use of Dream Analysis, and Individual Dream Symbolism in Relation to Alchemy.

Bible as Dream 2 topics

Here is where we read "The Bible as Dream" by Murray Stein. The book has 2 parts, the first "A Psychological Reading of the Bible" has 8 lectures and the second "The Gospel According to John" has three lectures.

Lecture One
by Charles Lester
2 years 7 months ago

Music and the Soul 1 topic

A place to discuss music and recommend music to share.

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To begin; how is music meditative? How is music worship?

No topics
A place to review the historical music in the Western world; starting with the Renaissance

No topics
A place to discuss the concerts and music of the San Antonio based Musica Sacra

No topics
A place to discuss the concerts and music of the San Antonio Philharmonic


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