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The Cosmic Tree is Rending
Sunday, February 19, 2023, 11:00am - 01:00pm
Hits : 824

The shifting tides of humanity are easiest to witness and understand psychologically on the personal and cultural levels.  The evolving of the underlying archetypal realm is more difficult to comprehend as those processes seem to unfold over much larger spans of time, longer than the human lifetime experience naturally comprehends.  Such processes remain entirely within the psychoid realm, essentially hidden from consciousness, and yet are expressed through the actions and fantasies of humanity as hypothesized in Jung's Aion. Through the intermediary of the image, that is as indirect intersectional experiences of the archetypal, we can ascertain these more remote transitions taking place and affecting us without our direct knowledge and awareness.

We will consider a selection of dreams, both of the analyst and ones told to the analyst, all seeming to converge in a synchronistic manner at various points during the Covid pandemic, and will reflect on how the amplifications and interpretations offer a glimpse into a process conceived as stemming from the archetypal realm. We are, no doubt, a civilization very much in transition, How might we better understand this in the context of symbolic knowledge?

Location Zoom - link given w/ registration
Time given is PST