The course offerings for SUmmer 2024 will remin the same as last year. 

Starting in June the Jung Center is becoming an educational center for reading. Using a quarter based calendar; Each quarter will offer reading opportunities For the Summer quarter the offerings are Freud; Interpretation of Dreams, Jung C.G. Jung Dreams {a collection of 6 articles by Jung on the topic of dreams}, and The Bible as Dream by Murray Stein. 

Each reading book will have a Form, each with 10 Units with reading assignments for each Unit. Participation in the Reading class means posting a summary of the main points of each Unit reading assignment and then at least 5 comments on the meaning of the information in different Reading Units. Each Unit will have a reading time of one week as a goal; however, more than 10 weeks may be used to complete the reading.

The Freud book is in the Forum "Thinkers"; The Jung book is in the Forum "Summer Reading" as well as Murray Stein's book on the bible as a dream.

Information about the collections of Jung's writings on dreams may be found here:

Information about Murry Stein's book may be found here:

Freud's book may be found here: