Jung's Library

“The main content of Jung’s private library was contemporary literature of the 19th and 20th century, mainly about medicine, psychiatry, psychology and philosophy. Additionally there are a great number of books on antique cultures, gnosis, christian symbols, eastern religion, ethnology and occultism. The library also contains a collection of about 300 rare books (printed before 1800) on alchemy, theurgy and kabbala, as well as antique literature on dreams, writings of church fathers and of the latin and greek classic.”

The North West Arkansas Friends of Jung

The thinkers who helped create the intellectual world where Jung lived and give us knowledge of that world is the purpose of this section. As this section grows there will be articles about individuals and their writings.

Also included in this section are books about Western Civilization - Such as From Dawn to Decadence by Jacques Barzun;  Sexual Personae by Camile Paglia;  The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler; Civilization and Capitalism - all three volumes - by Fernand Braudel;  The CIty in History by Lewis Mumford.

Also will be key works that give us insight to the mythical worlds of the people of the Latin Americas, Ancient Egypt, India, China and the Scandinavian countries. We will begin with Durant's Story of Civilization - Volume I Our Oriental Heritage {this discussion can be found in the Forum for the San Antonio Museum of Art in the Ceramics category}. And follow with Braudel's A History of Civilizations.