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Events in San Antonio related to Jung but also of interest that may not be directly relateed to Jung {such as concerts or art exhibits or theater productions}

Explore the current digital season. Ayodele Casel's new show "Chasing Magic" April 8 -21

Exhibitions change; and manny remain the same. 

From their web site: "The C.G. Jung Club of Orange County is an all-volunteer non-profit organization established in 1974 which most recently updated its Articles of Association in 2015 and its Bylaws in 2020. The founding President was Peter P. Coukoulis."

A place to view art and experience art. Virtual tours are offered for members.

A resource for classes about Jungian concepts.

From the web page -

For more than fifty years, The Jung Center has served as a nonprofit resource unique to Houston—a forum for dynamic conversations on a diverse range of psychological, artistic, and spiritual topics. Our mission is to support the development of greater self-awareness, creative expression, and psychological insight—individually, in relationships, and within the community. The Jung Center provides pathways to find a deeper meaning in everyday life.

The online home of the London Library --

From their web page:

"Recognized nationally for commitment to outstanding displays, botanical diversity, education, environmental stewardship, and experiences that connect people to the natural world, the Garden is a top San Antonio attraction that serves as a museum of plants, a tranquil escape, a living classroom, a research and conservation facility, and entertainment venue where art, architecture, music, and theater experiences come to life."

The principle goal of the Jungian journey is to find yourself, who you authentically are independently of what you have been told to believe about who you are. The Jungian approach encourages self expression, pursues self knowledge, rekindles meaning and enables the realisation your optimum destiny or what Jung called individuation.

The goal of the Centre for Applied Jungian Studies is to make Jungian psychology accessible to all. We focus on teaching Jungian psychology as a practical, accessible and real tool for personal transformation.

Usually access to Jung’s work is reserved for those who are able and inclined to enter analysis, or for those exceptional and privileged enough to spend many years studying the Collected Works (20 volumes) and the last eighty years of Jungian and Post Jungian literature, in other words – the privileged few.

We stress that the teaching and facilitation offered is not of a clinical nature and is not a substitute for those requiring or seeking analysis.

Our method of delivery is neither academic nor esoteric, focusing instead on the practical application of Jung’s work in the student’s life for the purposes of personal transformation, increasing consciousness and promoting individuation.

This is not meant to reduce the depth and complexity, nor subtlety of Jung’s opus and in no way denigrates the invaluable work provided by Jungian analysts around the world.

Read about the Eranos Foudation at the above link.

Visit the foundation herre:



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