“The main content of Jung’s private library was contemporary literature of the 19th and 20th century, mainly about medicine, psychiatry, psychology and philosophy. Additionally there are a great number of books on antique cultures, gnosis, christian symbols, eastern religion, ethnology and occultism. The library also contains a collection of about 300 rare books (printed before 1800) on alchemy, theurgy and kabbala, as well as antique literature on dreams, writings of church fathers and of the latin and greek classic.”
"The New Yorker" issue of June 10, 2024 has an artilce 'Subconsciously Yours by Merve Emre that is a review of biographies of Freud also asking "what does Freud still have to teach us?"
Reading Die Traumdeutung (The Interpretation of Dreams)
This book is available in several different ebook editions. This reading will reference the Mobile Reference edition {an ebook}; the 1911 English translation by A.A. Brill which is a translation of the German 3rd edition of the book. There are seven chapters in the book; each chapter is assigned one week except for chapters V, VI, VII which will have 2 weeks each.
A complete understanding of mythology means having knowledge of the myths from other lands and peoples.
This is the world of what we now call Central and Latin America; Egypt, India, China, and Scandinavia.
Another mythology that brings understanding is that of the world of Middle Earth as created by J.R.R. Tolkien {the Silmarillion}