“The main content of Jung’s private library was contemporary literature of the 19th and 20th century, mainly about medicine, psychiatry, psychology and philosophy. Additionally there are a great number of books on antique cultures, gnosis, christian symbols, eastern religion, ethnology and occultism. The library also contains a collection of about 300 rare books (printed before 1800) on alchemy, theurgy and kabbala, as well as antique literature on dreams, writings of church fathers and of the latin and greek classic.”
In preparation off site - a brief bio of Marie and information about the publishing of her works.
The publication of her writings is a project of Chiron Publications
A list of the writers whose works explain Jung that are here for discussion and the location of the reading is the purpose of this article.
Murray Stein - Jung's Map of the Soul : An Introduction -first printed in 1998 by Open Cout Press
Summer Quarter - there is: The Bible as Dream by Murray Stein and a collections of essays about dreams by Jung
Thinkers - there is Freud's book on dream interpretation and James HIlliman's book The Force of Character